The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex system that is part of the central nervous system (CNS). The endocannabinoid system is known for its role in endocannabinoid signaling, which helps in the functions of the brain, immune tissue, hormones, and other bodily processes. Due to the role it plays in the regulation of the immune and hormone secretion, the ECS is very important.
The ECS has been under critical observation by scientists and medical experts in recent years. This is because the system plays a role in almost every part of the normal body functioning. It directly affects immune cells, pituitary hormones, and other parts of the body that are vital for life. The increased attention to the ECS has been caused by the increasing popularity of CBD.
In this post, we will be looking at the ECS and the endocrine in a holistic manner. We will try to understand how they function, their input on mental and physical health and how to boost the system. Keep on reading to learn more.
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat is the Endocannabinoid System?
The ECS is a nerve signaling system that is connected throughout the body. It helps the body maintain physiological, cognitive, and emotional stability. In other words, it affects both the physical and mental well-being of an individual. It is an intricate nerve and cell signaling system that helps control the central nervous system.
Due to the effect of the ECS on central nervous system functions, it helps with a variety of functions such as stress response, gene expression, glucose uptake, and other therapeutic implications. The endocannabinoid system is made up of endocannabinoid.
What are Endocannabinoids: How Do They work?
These are endogenous lipid-based neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors. They may also bind to cannabinoid receptor proteins to help in the development of tissue functions. Endocannabinoids are the link between the ECS and the rest of the nervous system. As we will see later, endocannabinoid receptors help in the coordination and signaling of body functions.
There are diverse endocannabinoid receptors such as the CBS receptors. These receptors function based on the interaction of the nervous system and the rest of the body. Their functioning can also be enhanced by introducing cannabinoids to the body and other natural components such as omega 3.
How Does CBD Affect the Endocrine System?
Several studies have shown that cannabidiol (CBD) may be helpful in proving the functions of the nervous system. CBD is one of the cannabinoids found in cannabis and is loved due to the fact that it has minimal side effects. Researchers have been studying the compound due to its promising prospects in improving the functioning of the endocannabinoid system.
What Does the Endocrine Entail?
Before we can look at how CBD affects the body, it is vital to first understand what is the endocrine. This is a complex collection of glands that produce hormones. Such hormones regulate metabolism, growth, development, and tissue function. Without the system, hormones that regulate functions such as sexual arousal, reproduction, sleep, and moods would not be produced.
Owing to the importance of the system in secreting sex hormones and supporting metabolic functions, researchers have been looking at ways of promoting its functions. CBD has turned out as one of the products that can support streamlined functioning. CBD supports endocannabinoid release and enhances the interaction between the cannabinoid system and the cannabinoid receptor type.
Types of Cannabinoid Receptors
There are many receptors working throughout the body. Among these receptors are important Cannabinoid (CB receptors). They support endocrine function and promote cardiovascular system health as well as promote the immune system. Since they are part of neuronal excitability, they should be enhanced at all times.
The main CB receptors are as follows:
- CB1 Receptors: These are found throughout the brain and help in maintaining homeostasis. This means that they ensure that there is a stable internal environment and function despite the conditions outside. CB1 receptors are the primary receptors for THC and other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. They also affect the set of mind and hormones.
- CB2 Receptors: They are located throughout the CNS. CB2 receptors promote the overall functioning of the immune system. They influence the secretion and balancing of major hormones including insulin, cortisol melatonin, and others. They essentially control prolactin secretion and the luteinizing hormone.
With CB1 and CB2 receptors having such an influence on the nervous system, their functioning can help the body to a large extent. Researchers have established that CBD may be helpful in promoting the functions of CBD 1 receptors as well as CB2 receptors. Based on endocrine regulation studies, CB1 receptors are largely influenced by THC but also function better when CBD is used.
Boosting the Central Nervous System
From what we have learned so far, the CNS is at the center of human health. With a healthy nervous system, it is possible to stop and control most diseases. It is this system that affects the overall immunity of the body, fights inflammation, supports mental health, and emotional well-being, coordinates mobility, and enhances the health of the spinal cord.
With so many functions and benefits to the overall health of a human being, it is crucial to ensure that the health of the central nervous system is in a sound state. It is only through this that peripheral organs will function properly. A healthy nervous system also helps prevent cell death and improves limbic system functions.
Since the CNS largely depends on the ECS and the endocrine, boosting these systems is a way of promoting the overall health of the CNS. The following steps can be taken to promote the health of the CNS.
Factors that build the central nervous system:
Improve Levels of Omega 3 in the Body
Omega 3 fatty acids are the building blocks for CB1 receptors. As we have seen, without CB1 receptors, important neurological functions cannot happen. A healthy central nervous system largely needs to be well-equipped with CB1 receptors. Studies have shown that taking foods rich in omega-3 may be helpful.
Since CB1 receptors affect motor neurons and promote somatostatin release. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fats such as salmon should be taken on a regular basis. Individuals who take omega-3 supplements can also help improve the functioning of the CNS.
Avoid Alcohol and Stressful Situations
Studies have shown that excessive consumption of alcohol inhibits the growth and repair of endocannabinoids. Similarly, stressful situations may inhibit the production of CB receptors. This is a big problem that can only be addressed by taking care of the foods consumed. With low endocannabinoid levels, chances are that the anandamide levels will get extremely low in women.
Exercise Boosts the Endocannabinoids Levels
Studies have also suggested that taking regular exercise improves the overall health of the central nervous system. Exercising awakens postsynaptic neurons and also causes the corticotrophin-releasing hormone to take action.
Improve Caryophyllene Intake
Studies have also found caryophyllene terpene to be quite helpful in improving the endocannabinoid system and the CNS. This terpene is the only terpene known to stimulate endocannabinoid receptors by binding on them. Given the effect of the terpene, it is recommended that more people should take it to promote overall CNS health.
Although this terpene is not a cannabinoid, it is found in cannabis. This explains why most people prefer taking full-spectrum CBD to isolate CBD. When full-spectrum CBD is extracted, terpenes such as caryophyllene are retained in the compound. Molecular pharmacology experts say that the entourage functioning of the compounds gives better results.
CBD May Be Used
CBD has been found to have plenty of benefits in promoting the overall health of the CNS. Particularly, it promotes the ECS. As we have seen, CBD promotes the production of CB2 receptors. CB2 receptors are responsible for the functioning of the body in many ways. It promotes the secretion of important hormones such as the growth hormone.
Studies have also suggested that when CBD is used with THC, it prevents Nongenomic glucocorticoid inhibition. The benefits of CBD and THC and other cannabis extracts on the nervous system are turning out to be many as more studies come out. Consuming small amounts of CBD may promote the overall health of the cannabinoid system.
These are just but a few of the ways a person can use to boost the overall health of the nervous system. Boosting the health of the CNS helps promote the overall health of a person. A healthy system means that you will have a better mitochondrial function and lipid metabolism. A healthy system also prevents cell death helping with a stable immune system.
What is the Function of Endocannabinoids?
Promoters of CBD market their products claiming that they can treat plenty of conditions. While there might be some truth in these claims, some are usually false. When CBD is used, it promotes the functioning of the endocannabinoid system. It is the functions of this system that is vital. Studies have shown that endocannabinoids promote certain health functions.
The functions of the ECS are as follows:
- Energy Balance: The ECS is a system that works in maintaining homeostasis. The system ensures that the energy being supplied to all parts of the body matches the need. If the body is low in energy, the cannabinoid system will work with the available energy to ensure that critical functions such as breathing and pumping of blood are maintained.
- Appetite Stimulation: The other important function of the ECS besides energy balance is hormonal controls. The system promotes the release and control of different hormones. Among these hormones are ghrelin and leptin. These two hormones are responsible for appetite suppression and stimulation. The system ensures that the hormones are balanced.
- Blood Pressure: Many people take CBD in the management of diabetes and high blood pressure. This is because ECS has an influence on hormone balancing that may affect your blood pressure. Angiotensin and aldosterones affect the size of arteries and may lead to high or low blood pressure. It is the exogenous cannabinoids that control these hormones.
- Pain: The other important function of the ECS is controlling the pain signals. The endocrine systems promote communication between the brain and the body. It removes a blood-brain barrier that may affect the perception of pain. Due to the interaction between the ECS and the brain, it is possible to suppress pain by controlling endocannabinoid signaling.
- Embryonic Development: The development of a child in the mother’s womb relies on the ECS. The human growth hormone released in the body is crucial to the development of the child. The right neurotransmitter release is needed to make the hormones work and promote the growth and development of the baby.
- Nausea and Vomiting Control: The ECS has been found to be quite helpful in controlling digestion and food absorption. Due to its functions in controlling absorption and glucose uptake, it is able to control vomiting. Through balanced energy homeostasis, the system can stop attacks on the digestive system and promote overall health.
- Memory and Learning: The two G protein-coupled receptors, CB1 and CB2, are helpful in coordinating brain functions. In particular, CB1 receptors control brain functions and promote the functions of the postsynaptic neuron. This neuron promotes learning and opens up the mind to be receptive to new ideas and skills.
- Immune Response: Most important, is the benefits of ECS in the immune response. A healthy ECS promotes a strong immune. The ECS is part of the peripheral nervous system where the endocannabinoid cells can bind to immune cells. The duty of the peripheral nervous system is to promote cell protection. It works with ECS cannabinoid receptor to promote a strong immune.
- Promotes Mental Health: The ECS coordinates with the pituitary gland, which helps regulate stress. The hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis which is part of the pituitary gland secretes pituitary hormones that are vital in promoting mental health, reducing stress, and controlling depression. Some mental problems are a result of stress-induced activation.
- Promotes Reproductive Functions: The endocannabinoid system also offers plenty of benefits to reproductive health. From boosting sexual arousal hormones to supporting the growth of a baby, it is almost impossible for anyone to have a child with failed endocannabinoid signaling. Since it supports reproductive health, it should not be misused for this purpose.
- Motor Control: Endocannabinoid signaling is very important since it promotes motion. Studies have shown that when 9-tetrahydrocannabinol is used it boosts anterior pituitary sensitivity. Further, for the human body to move energy is needed. The ECS promotes the mitochondrial function of generating energy that is used with the rest of the body.
- Bone Remodeling and Growth: The growth hormone helps promote the growth and remodeling of bones. The ECS promotes the secretion of growth hormones, which are vital for the overall health of the bones. Bones need to rejuvenate in case of a fracture too. It is the signals sent to the brain by neurotransmitters in the ECS system that help fasten the regeneration process.
- Liver Function: Proper liver functioning depends on hormones as is the case with many other parts of the body. Studies have shown that the system is vital in the synthesis of the liver and adipose tissue. This signaling of the adipose tissue is also helpful to the metabolism. A well-functioning cannabinoid receptor is key for overall liver health.
- Metabolism: One of the important mitochondrial functions is supporting metabolism. The endocannabinoid signaling of neurotransmitters supports mitochondria to function to the fullest. Its support for metabolism ensures that sufficient energy is produced and well distributed throughout the body. This balancing of energy is very crucial.
- Muscle Formation: Most important is the role played by the ECS in the replenishment of muscles. Children require high levels of cannabinoids to promote quick growth. Further endocannabinoids are used in novel anti-inflammatory drugs since it helps with the quick healing of inflammatory injuries.
The functions of the ECS are almost endless. This vital system is vital in stress response, promoting immune cells, and endocannabinoid signaling among other benefits. Its ability to balance hormones calls for all people to improve their health. It is important to take foods that inhibit fatty acid amide hydrolase, an enzyme that breaks down endocannabinoids.
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Endocannabinoids Regulation: Nervous System
The primary role of the endocannabinoid system is to regulate the CNS. Endogenous cannabinoids are lipid-based neurotransmitters. In other words, these naturally occurring transmitters send chemical messages that facilitate communication in the nerve cells. The CNS system of the body is vital in facilitating functions such as mobility.
Two of the main endogenous cannabinoids:
- Anandamide (AEA or arachidonoyl ethanolamide): Anandamide is a lipid mediator and acts as the ligand of the CB1 receptor. It is responsible for the pharmacologic of delta 9 THC. When we talk about CB1 receptors, we are often referring to the anandamide.
- 2-Archidonoyl Glycerol (2-AG): The 2-archidonoyl glycerol is the only known endogenous agonist of the CB1 receptor. The archidonoyl glycerol is formed from omega 6 fatty acids. This is the reason why consuming omega 3 and omega 6 is recommended.
The functioning of the endogenous cannabinoid system largely depends on the existence of the two receptors. While the cannabinoid receptors are naturally occurring, they are also destroyed by enzymes.
The fact that they can be destroyed by enzymes means that the endocrine systems get affected. Given that the endogenous cannabinoid system is responsible for endocrine regulation it should be protected.
Destruction of Endocannabinoids
Once the endocannabinoids have finished their work, they are usually destroyed by enzymes. We have two enzymes that are primarily responsible for the destruction of the endocannabinoid. Unfortunately, this means that the body needs to be on a continuous process of replenishing the endocrine systems with new cannabinoid receptors.
The main enzymes that break cannabinoid receptors are:
- Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase: This fatty acid is responsible for breaking down AEA. It is vital in endocannabinoid synthesis.
- Monoacylglycerol Acid Lipase: This is another fatty acid responsible for breaking down the 2-AG
As we can see, endocannabinoids are a very important part of the endocrine system. Their availability and replenishment are necessary for the proper running of the endocrine system and the whole body at large. Remember to replenish the endogenous cannabinoid receptors by following some of the guidelines provided above.
Are Endocannabinoid Hormones?
Endocannabinoids are very different from hormones. They are lipid-based neurotransmitters and not hormones. The main difference between hormones and neurotransmitters is that hormones are secreted by the endocrine glands while neurotransmitters are released by the presynaptic nerve terminal into the synapse. The other major difference is in the way they are transported.
Hormones are primarily transmitted through the blood while neurotransmitters are transmitted through the synaptic cleft. Hormones do not have as many functions as neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters support prolactin release, hormones release bodily functions.
How Does THC interact with the ECS?
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is one of the main cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. It is also one of the cannabinoids whose uses and interaction with the human body have been widely reviewed. When THC is used, it causes psychoactive effects to the user. This has made many people shy away from using cannabis. However, studies have strongly liked THC with a better endocrine system.
When THC reacts with the ECS, it interacts with endocannabinoids. It binds to cannabinoid receptors, specifically the CB1 receptor which works by sending signals to the brain. It also binds to CB2 receptors promoting the good health of the endocrine system. Its effects on both CB1 and CB2 receptors of endocrine systems help promote endocannabinoid signaling.
How Does CBD Interact With the ECS?
Much in the same way, there is a strong interaction between THC and the endocrine system, there is also a strong relationship between CBD and the endocrine system. CBD is a compound found in cannabis. Unlike THC, which is known to cause psychoactive effects to users, CBD is loved because it does not have such effects on users.
Reasons why people prefer CBD to THC:
- CBD is loved because it does not cause a psychoactive effect on users. In other words, users do not get high.
- CBD is available in abundant amounts in hemp plants. Which makes it cheaper and easily available.
- CBD is legal in most places. For instance, it is federally legal in the US and also allowed in most states.
- CBD does not have many side effects on users. Both beginners and regular users do not experience extreme effects after using CBD.
While CBD has so many benefits that it has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of seizures caused by a rare form of epilepsy. Even so, doctors and health experts do not completely know how the product works.
CBD does not bind to CB1 or CB2 receptors as is the case with THC. The fact that it does not bind to any cannabinoid receptor leaves many questions to be answered. It is a fact that CBD promotes the working of the endocrine system but more research is still underway to understand how exactly it works.
CBD, THC, and Terpenes on the Endocannabinoid system
Previous studies have shown that CBD, THC, and terpenes offer the best result in promoting endocannabinoid signaling when used together. When terpenes and the two cannabinoids work together they assist the endocannabinoid production of several hormones including the luteinizing hormone. The use of these items together stimulates the thyroid gland promoting prolactin release.
Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase
The fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) refers to a homodimeric enzyme that controls the biological activity of the N-arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA) and other lipids termed endocannabinoid. The enzyme promotes interaction between the endocannabinoid system and the cannabinoids when a person uses products that are rich with cannabinoids. CDB, THC, and other cannabis plant products are examples.

20 Fun Facts About the Endocannabinoid System
Scientists are just now getting to understand how the ECS works. After years of research, studies are starting to show the vital role that the ECS plays in promoting overall health. Even so, there are still many things that common people do not know about the endocannabinoid system. Given the vital role of the ECS in the body and overall health, some people think that more research is needed.
In this section, we will be looking at the effects of the ECS, functioning, research facts, statistics, and other factors that you probably do not know. For those who have plenty of questions about the ECS, this section will attempt to answer as many of your questions as possible.
Here are 20 fun facts about the endocannabinoid system:
1. The Endocannabinoid System Was Discovered in the Late 1980s
It is surprising that such an integral part of the body was only discovered in the 1980s. Its discovery is all thanks to the use of cannabis. Until the 80s, no one knew how the ECS works. Not even the most experienced doctors had a clue about how the system affects normal life.
Research to understand how cannabis, in particular THC, affects the body, discovered that THC interacts with ECS. It interacts with the hypothalamic-pituitary glands, as a result, has a relationship with leptin-regulated endocannabinoids. Studies are still underway to give a better understanding of the ECS to provide effective management of the system.
2. In the Early 1990s, Anandamide and AG-2 were Discovered
The discovery of the endocannabinoid system was closely followed by the discovery of two endogenous compounds that bind like THC. These compounds have come to be known as endocannabinoid receptors in the forms of CB1 and CB2. These receptors are produced by the human body and can be replenished naturally.
With that said, scientists have also found that the receptors get destroyed by enzymes. As a result, they should be replenished. We have a role to play in the replenishment of anandamide and AG-2 since they are vital to our health. The main ways of replenishing these receptors include exercising, eating foods rich in omega fatty acids, and using some cannabinoids.
3. Endocannabinoid Receptors: Most Prevalent Neurotransmitters
The work of neurotransmitters is to send chemical signals to the body. Through the signals, the body is capable of performing its functions. For instance, if you know your feet are on a rock, neurotransmitters send signals to the brain and cause the perception of pain. While neurotransmitters were known before the 1980s, it was not known that the prevalent transmitters were endo cannabinoids.
Research to understand more about endocannabinoid signaling led doctors to understand that, endogenous neurotransmitters are the most prevalent. Their abundance and the vast range of activities they perform make the ECS receptors a key component of human health. Studies have shown that these transmitters may undergo stress-induced activation at times.
4. The ECS Plays a Direct Role in Homeostasis
Energy homeostasis is the process through which the body regulates energy. The body needs to manage its metabolic processes in order to keep all the parts functioning properly. Among the metabolic functions that the ECS gets involved in is the regulation of body temperature, supply of energy to various body parts, distribution of energy, and energy storage.
Homeostasis is a critical part of normal body functioning. The human body can’t function without energy. The ECS signals are able to detect the available energy levels, tap into energy resources, and coordinate energy consumption throughout the body. It is such a complex system that, it can shut off unnecessary functions in case of low energy levels, to keep the vital functions running.
5. The ECS Directly Affects Over 10 Aspects of Our Health
Studies have linked the ECs to many health conditions. Most studies show that if endogenous cannabinoids are supplied and allowed to function properly, the human body will be well functioning. Further, the system may help prevent some of the commonly experienced diseases or improve the healing rates for such conditions.
Some of the roles played by the ECS on the human body are:
- Mood regulation
- Appetite
- Memory
- Inflammation
- Pain perception
- Muscle movement
- Traumatic memory extinction
- Protection of nerves
- Bone growth
- Tumor regulation
- Breast-feeding reward
- Stress management
- Eye pressure
- Gastrointestinal motility
- Seizure activity
These are just but a few of the activities that are directly impacted by the ECS. In other words, this system has a say in almost all bodily processes. If the system functions properly, it can help protect the body from regular diseases. Through prolactin release vary, the neurotransmitters influence every part of the body.
6. The Body Can Suffer From Endocannabinoid Deficiency
The fact that the human body naturally produces endogenous cannabinoids does not mean that they are always present. We have already seen that they can get destroyed by some enzymes. As a result, the human body has the possibility of suffering from endocannabinoid deficiency. The deficiency of cannabinoids and acid amide hydrolase FAAH has several consequences on the body.
This lack of sufficient endogenous cannabinoids often results in several conditions including chronic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and fibromyalgia. These are conditions that are difficult to treat and are often managed by pain suppressants. In recent years, research has shown that administering some forms of cannabinoids may help with such conditions.
7. Scientists Have Made Synthetic Cannabinoids
Due to the vital role that the ECS plays in the human body, scientists have been exploring this subject from all angles. In recent years, scientists have made synthetic versions of the ECS. Most governments have been hesitant on allowing research into the use of naturally occurring cannabinoids such as THC to boost the endocannabinoid.
Due to legal constraints, medical experts have been experimenting with synthetic options in managing and promoting the health of the ECS. One of the popular synthetic cannabinoids is Marinol, a synthetic version of THC. Unfortunately, most of the synthetic versions of cannabinoids tend to have plenty of side effects. They are also not as effective as naturally occurring options.
8. Governments Restrictions on the Use of Cannabinoids
You may wonder why is it that cannabis and other cannabinoids are not widely used if they are known to have some effect on the ECS. While studies have suggested that CBD, THC, and terpenes may promote better health, government regulations across the world have kept institutions from performing detailed research and studies on these substances.
For instance, there are no recorded clinical trials of CBD as a substance that can be used to boost ECS performance. Only small unrecognized studies have been performed. Institutions such as the FDA still prohibit the use of CBD for any other health purpose except for seizures.
9. Pharmaceutical Companies use Other Methods to Boost ECS
What most regular people would expect as the easiest way to boost the ECS would be the use of naturally occurring cannabinoids. What they do not know is that modern medicine really uses naturally occurring substances in medicine. As so, CBD and THC are restricted when it comes to boosting the ECS and consequently the hypothalamic-pituitary glands.
Among the options that are available to pharmaceutical companies is to try and create synthetic versions of cannabinoids. Such companies try to replicate naturally occurring cannabinoids, with the main focus being on addressing individual transmission signals such as the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal cortex system.
10. People Have Been Using Cannabis for Over 10,000 Years
Yes, you may be surprised by this number but evidence shows that cannabis has been around for more than 10 millennials. The reason why cannabis is important to us is that its use was the first step towards the discovery of the ECS and understanding the critical role that the system plays in human health. Without cannabis coming into the picture, few people would know about the ECS.
It has also been found that the herb has over 100 cannabinoids and terpenes that may have different impacts on the endogenous cannabinoid system. For instance, studies have found that full-spectrum CBD, which contains terpenes flavonoids, and trace amounts of THC a more effective chronic treatment and management of substances compared to pure forms such as Isolate CBD.
11. All vertebrates Have the Endocannabinoid System
Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. Almost all animals that walk on land fall under the vertebrates category except for a few insect species. All animals that have a backbone have the ECS. This system has been found to be helpful not only in humans but also in other parts of the body. Due to the presence of ECS in animals, rats have been used in previous studies.
Scientists argue that the presence of the system in all animals underlines the importance of the entire system on all types of birds and animals. The system provides the basis for animal and human health and argues that more investments should be made to help understand how the ECS impacts the overall health of a living being.
12. The Endocannabinoid System Increases its Awareness
Observations into the functioning of the ECS have shown that the system increases its activities when the body is attacked by diseases. The system seems to be involved in the fighting of all types of diseases. From minor inflammatory conditions to cardiovascular system failures, the ECS plays a central role in promoting their functioning.
Given that the ECS is a neurotransmission system, it makes sense that it is busier when fighting diseases. To start with, metabolic rates are high during an attack. Further, the body sends more signals to the brain to try and balance energy, fight viruses and restore broken cells.
13. Lack of Endocannabinoid Leads to Diseases
The lack of cannabinoids or their insufficiency can be such a big problem to human health. We have already seen the role it plays in regulating energy, balancing hormones, and supporting motion among others. If a person lacks endocannabinoids, chances are that they may suffer from chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia.
14. Phytocannabinoids Stimulate the Endocannabinoid System
Studies have shown that consuming cannabinoids in small amounts can be quite helpful to the endocannabinoid system. One study published by the NCBI found that tetrahydrocannabinol helps stimulate somatostatin release and block that of the luteinizing hormone-releasing process.
Previous studies by Di Marzo V have shown that consumption of CBD, THC, and other phytocannabinoids helps the ECS work properly. As a result, more people have been trying to find ways of incorporating CBD, THC, and other products into their daily diets. With that said, there is no clear evidence that boosting ECS may lead to the healing of specific ailments.
15. Anandamide Endocannabinoid Neurotransmitter in the Brain
The brain works by receiving signals from the rest of the body to coordinate normal functions. There are many neurotransmitters in the brain that facilitate its working. Until the 1990s, doctors did not know that cannabinoids were at the center of the complex functioning of the brain. Of late, it has been found that the anandamide endocannabinoid receptor does most of the work.
16. We Can Stimulate the Endocannabinoid System Naturally
One of the most interesting discoveries made by researchers is that the ECS can be stimulated naturally. Any person can make their system function better and perform accordingly naturally. There is no need to even take CBD, THC, or another cannabinoid. Just by performing certain actions, the ECS is stimulated.
Among the actions a person can take to stimulate the ECS are exercising., sleeping well, and practicing mind-challenging games among others. You can also take foods rich in omega 3 and Omega 6, avoid alcohol, and increase your intake of natural herbs.
17. The Endocannabinoid System Regulates our Functions
Most people do not know the power and control the ECS has over physiological functions. All the functions that happen externally are dependent on the functioning of the system. Right from the movement of body parts, coordination of functions, breathing, and all other natural processes are controlled by the ECS.
18. The Endocannabinoid System May Help Fight Inflammation
One of the important roles played by the ECS is fighting inflation. A properly functioning ECS may fight most inflammatory-caused conditions. Inflammation is the response of body cells to attacks. If they are attacked by a virus, cells will get inflamed to prevent further spread. This painful situation is the root cause of most conditions.
Di Marzo V has mentioned in several studies that, ECS can help reduce inflammation if it is enhanced to function accordingly.
19. Cannabinoid Receptors are Easily Accessible via the Skin
Cannabinoid receptors are easily accessible. By just applying CBD or other cannabinoid products to the skin, it may be helpful. While most people per ingesting cannabinoid supplements, Di Marzo V’s books show that the receptors are just on the skin and can easily be accessed by those who wish to apply phytocannabinoids.
20. There are Just Two Known Endocannabinoid Receptors
While there are plenty of cannabinoids that can be used in natural foods, the body itself has only two receptors. For now, researchers only know of two receptors. The CB1 and CB1 receptors are the most important part of the ECS system. These receptors bind to cannabinoids when CBD or THC is used.
More studies are underway to fully understand the functioning of ECs receptors. The available information shows that THC binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors. Even so, CBD, which is the most commonly used cannabinoid does not bind on any of the two receptors.
A look at these factors reveals that the ECS is the most important system of the body. Its functions and benefits are way more far-reaching than any other single system of the body. Therefore, it is important to remember that the ECS is part of the endocrine system. It cannot function independently and depends on other systems to work effectively.
Learning More About Cannabinoid Receptors
Studies have proven that the endocannabinoid system is a vital part of human health. It is a fact that human beings can experience a better life and normal functioning with a healthy ECS. While governments have placed restrictions on the use of CBD medically, individuals may still use CBD and other hemp products.
At Hemplily, we understand how vital CBD is to your health. We strive to ensure that all our clients know more about the ECS and its interaction with CBD.
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